Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Paste Menu is Grey when I Right Click in OWA

I had a customer who was complaining that on his new Windows 7 PC he could no longer right-click in OWA and paste.  He could use CTRL + V, but he didn't want to - he wanted to use his mouse.

I searched high and low online for an answer to this problem and found all kinds of suggestions:

  • Don't use IE 9, go to IE 8
  • Don't use IE 8, go to IE 7
  • Go into Developer Tools and change browser mode to IE 7
  • Edit the registry
  • Set the OWA site as trusted

None of that worked.

I finally stumbled on a FAQ on a military website that mentioned that you would lose the ability to right-click and paste if you installed the S/MIME control for OWA.

I realized, that was something I had done early on for this user when setting up his PC.  So I then naturally thought "what if I uninstall the S/MIME control - will that fix it?"

I looked it up, and uninstalling the S/MIME control is rather easy.  You open up:
  1. Start->
  2. Control Panel->
  3. Add or Remove Programs (XP) /Programs and Features (Vista/7)
  4. Look for the “Microsoft Outlook Web Access S/MIME” entry.
  5. Uninstall that puppy!
After uninstalling I went back into OWA (no reboot necessary) and the right-click paste functionality was back!

So folks, that's how you do it.  You're welcome!